Stats about the Project:

This page gives an overview of some statistics of our project. More data about the servers can be found on the server pages.

Stats about
Number of servers on our list 0
Number of servers that are Online 0
Number of servers that are Offline 0
Number of servers without a Password 0
Number of servers with a Password 0
Number of used slots on the servers 0
Number of available slots on the servers 0
Number of channels on the servers 0
Number of votes of all servers this Month* 0
Number of votes of all servers all time** 0
Number of visits of all server pages** 0
Last update*** 2025-03-29 06:30:01


* = All votes are reset on the 1st of each month to give all servers the same opportunity.
** = This number refers to all servers still listed. All servers that have been removed from our list because they have been offline too long are not included in this number.
*** = This page is automatically updated every 60 minutes. Therefore the data is not real time.